It is the responsibility of the parents to arrange for bus transportation to Saint Anne’s School with the school district of residence. Applications must be submitted to your public-school district by April 1st. Behavior at school bus stops is a mutual concern. School authorities make every effort to cooperate with local residents in maintaining order and control of students at bus stops. In order to maintain safety and punctuality for all children who ride the buses between school and home, we request the cooperation of all parents in helping their children to understand and observe the following rules of conduct:
At arrival time, please enter the parking lot using the entrance on Dartmouth St. The children should enter the school using the McCloskey doors. Please leave the lot using the exit on to Fairmount Blvd. To ensure student safety, please use extreme caution, adhere to speed limits and do not make U-turns when driving on Dartmouth St., Fairmount Blvd., or in the general vicinity of the school.
At dismissal time, please park in the parking lot and then walk to the appropriate exit to pick up your child. PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON DARTMOUTH STREET during arrival or dismissal times as this presents an unsafe situation for the children. Please note that at dismissal the mini-buses will line up in the parking lot to transport students home. The curb in front of McCloskey must be kept clear for the safe discharge of bus students.
Please Note: Bus students are called to their buses beginning at 2:15pm. Walkers are dismissed at approximately 2:30 pm.
updated 8/2020