In case of inclement weather, we ask that you not call the school. St. Anne’s School will contact you through School Messenger. Once a decision to close or delay school has been made, the first step is to post this on the homepage of the school’s website, which typically happens within minutes of the decision being made. We will then send out a School Messenger telephone message and alert Channel 12. You may also check Channel 12’s website: When weather or emergency conditions warrant a cancellation of school or a delayed start to school, the fastest, most accurate way to access this information is via the school’s website. The geographic area that encompasses all of the areas in which our families live stretches from Queens into Eastern Nassau County. We attempt to take all of this into consideration when determining whether or not to delay or close. That can be challenging as the weather conditions can vary significantly in the area mentioned above. Parents, please know that it is always your decision as to whether or not your child can travel safely to school. If the conditions in your general area are such that you deem it unsafe for your child to travel, he/she will not be penalized for any absence, but if school is open and your student does not attend school, NYS requires St. Anne’s to mark your student absent. We will make every effort to be sensitive to the safety and well-being of all of our students, faculty and staff at all times. If Garden City announces schools are closed, St. Anne’s will also be closed. Note: When listening to the news please DO NOT CONFUSE the Garden City Park district with Garden City. If the school district of residence does not provide transportation because of weather, it is at the discretion of the parents whether or not to transport the children to and from school that day.