Last weekend our Middle School students presented Matilda Jr., a musical based on Roald Dahl’s beloved children’s novel, Matilda. It tells the story of a precocious young girl who loves books, hates bullies, and is revealed to have powers which she uses to help defeat the tyrannical headmistress of her unpleasant school. Abigail Toscano does a fantastic job in the title role, Matilda is quietly mischievous, intelligent and loveable.
Patty O’Keeffe’s, Agatha Trunchbull, delivers every line with a knowing smirk! Peter Barberesi does an excellent job as Bruce Bogtrotter and nails the showstopper, “Revolting Children.” But so did the quieter moments, especially Sophia LeVien’s Miss Honey in “This Little Girl” and Matilda’s “Quiet,” both performed with immense delicacy. The ensemble was tight, and all the children had a fantastic time. It was obvious every one of the students was having the time of their lives on stage. A very special thank you to Miss Eileen Crinnion and Mr. Tim Brown for directing this production, Miss Elizabeth Ulicny as Stage Manager and Mrs. Nadia Avigliano as our Choreographer!